
10 Years eYeka Design - Competition

Being second winner of the 10 Years eYeka Design - Competition 

The idea of the contest is to celebrate the 10 year anniversaty of eYeka, to create special eYeka logo as well as banner to be displayed on The brief was about what it means to be 10 years old, what does it mean for eYeka to be 10 years old, and why is it so important to celebrate anniversary. 

My rationale for this competition:

Having 10 years anniversary is big, it is a milestone for every company that is able to reach to this point. How I would like to translate the idea of this celebration is by relating it to the whole process of eYeka competition itself. 

You start by browsing through the list of competition and get excited seeing a specific one, then you start sketching, brainstorming ideas, drafting till the actual production and submitting your idea. After long wait, you found out you win, and in eYeka, when you win, you win BIG. You are on cloud nine, start telling your loved ones, whoever helped you throughout the project, having a thank-you party, buy them drinks, or any kind of appreciation for people that matters to you. All this process is what I am potraying in my banner design. There are a lot of elements to show that it could be chaotic at times during the early stage of competition while getting things done but the whole process is fun because it is something that you love doing, and when you hit jackpot, it is time for celebration :)

This is also reason why I am choosing party popper as my pictogram element. When you are about to pop party popper, there is a moment of silence (the beginning process of compeition) before you twist the handle and pop the confetti out of it and that is when the celebration starts (when you are done with competition and ready to celebrate).